Blackened Cajun Chicken with Chicken Fat Potatoes and Lemon Aioli - Charlie Oven

Blackened Cajun Chicken with Chicken Fat Potatoes and Lemon Aioli

Written by: Sam and Shauna, Hangfire BBQ



Time to read 2 min

‘Blackening’ refers to the colour-specific spice blend that turns when it meets heat and reacts to the butter. Some restaurants only cook this dish outside as it gets smoky, which makes it a perfect BBQ dish and even more perfect in the Charlie charcoal oven. This is a spice lover's dish, easy to prepare, and an authentic soul food classic.  Roast chicken in the Charlie Oven tastes sensational.  Adding the spices and butter takes Chicken to a whole new level of taste.  



Serves 4   Time Prep 10 mins   Cook Time 60-90 minutes.


1 large free-Range Chicken (1.6-1.8kg)

250g clarified butter

50ml neutral-flavour flavour Oil

100g Blackened Cajun seasoning (or make your own)

2kg baby potatoes, par-boiled

Small bunch of flat leaf parsley, leaves picked.

2 lemons, sliced into quarters.

Lemon Aioli

1 large, free-range egg

200ml neutral-flavoured oil

2 cloves of garlic, blanched and minced

Zest of 1 lemon

Juice of half a lemon

1/2 tsp fine salt

1 tsp  whole-grain mustard


  1. Preheat your oven to Charlie Charcoal 200 °C.

  2. Parboil the baby potatoes and crush them slightly with the bottom of a cup. Toss in a little oil and 1 tablespoon of blackened seasoning, place on a baking tray, and set aside
    .addind cajun spice
    Source: Sam and Shauna, Hangfire BBQ Masterclass

  3. To spatchcock the chicken, remove the spine and, with your palms, flatten the chicken. Lightly brush with the remaining oil and coat heavily with 2/3rds of your blackened seasoning.

  4. Using meat hooks, hang the chicken by the legs and cook for 30 minutes, ensuring there’s a catch pan underneath to catch the juices. Adjust the temperature of the Charlie to 230 °C by opening up the air-vents.
    spatchcock chicken roasted and smoked in the charlie oven
    Source: Sam and Shauna, Hangfire BBQ Masterclass

  5. Place the potatoes underneath the chicken after this time, pouring the juices from the catch pan over and mixing well. Cook for a further 20–25 minutes. Check if the potatoes are crispy, if not, continue cooking while your chicken rests.

    chicken fat potatoes
    Source: Sam and Shauna, Hangfire BBQ Masterclass

  6. Remove the chicken from the oven (ensuring the internal temperature is over 74 °C) and let it rest for 10 minutes. Cut the chicken into pieces (thighs, drums, wings, and breast). 

    Cutting up the chicken to dip into the cajun blackened butterSource: Sam and Shauna, Hangfire BBQ Masterclass
  7. In a cast iron pan, add the clarified butter and cook until very hot in the Charlie Oven. Add the rest of the blackened cajun spice to the hot butter. Add to the hot and sizzling butter for 3–4 minutes. Remove and place on a wire rack.

    Sam Evans from Hangfire BBQ cooking at the Charlie Oven Mardi Gras MasterclassSource: Sam and Shauna, Hangfire BBQ Masterclass

  8. Remove the potatoes and place them around the edges of your serving platter, Place the spicy, buttery chicken pieces in the centre. Garnish with a few spoonfuls of butter, flat leaf parsley leaves, lemon wedges, and a pot of lemon aioli on the side.