BBQ Grilled Steak - Charlie Oven

BBQ Grilled Steak

Servings   Prep Time      Cook Time

4                        2 minutes                     5 minutes


  • 2 Ribeye steak medium cut

  • 1 T-Bone steak medium cut

  • Sea salt flakes

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • Olive oil

  • Garnish with fresh chilli and herbs


Prep the Charlie Oven

  1. Add sufficient charcoal to create a hot fire (slightly more than the size of the food you are cooking).

  2. Place the charcoal in one section of the oven so that it creates intense heat, just where it's built up directly under the rack. (You don't need to burn more fuel if you are just doing a couple of steaks).

  3. Position the cooking rack just above the charcoal on the lowest rungs in the oven. 

  4. Ensure the charcoal is white hot before adding the steaks. The bars on the rack need to get piping hot (and make sure they are really clean).

Prepare the steaks

  1. Bring your steaks to room temperature by taking them out of the fridge at least an hour before cooking.

  2. Oil the steaks and season generously with salt and pepper on all sides of the steaks.


  1. Place the steaks directly on the cooking rack immediately above the piping hot charcoal.  

  2. Sear directly over the coals, making sure you keep both the vents open to maximise air flow.

  3. Flip over after one minute, and cook on the other side for one minute.  

  4. Only shut the oven door if they are big steaks; otherwise the ambient temperature will cook the steaks inside before you get chance to sear the outside.

  5. Check the temperature of the steaks with a meat thermometer.  If the steaks are colouring too fast, move them over to an area with no charcoal so they can come up to internal temperature.

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